Short Company profile

Saglasie - Pension Insurance Company JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1303
bul. Todor Aleksandrov 117
phone: 02/8164565
fax: 02/8164566

Company Figures

BULSTAT: 831284154
VAT No: BG831284154
Reg No: 6897/95
No of employees: 305 (2023)
Profit/Loss (thous. BGN): 7 032 (2022)
Total revenue (thous. BGN): 21 830 (2022)
Fixed Assets (thous. BGN): 94 702 (2022)
Capital (BGN): 10 500 000

Branch: Pension funding
Licences & Certificates:  Large taxpayers and insurers Pension Fund
Membership: Bulgarian Industrial Association
General Meetings: Last - 27.06.2024 
Registered Actitity: Establishment, management of pension insurance funds, acquisition and sale of shares of Bulgarian and foreign companies.


Three pension funds accounted for three-quarters of the sector's profits The pension insurance companies in Bulgaria ended 2023 with a total profit of a record 99.2 million BGN, compared to 68.6 million BGN for 2022, reports the Commission for Financial Supervision. Nine out of ten companies in the sector improved their financial results last year. The only exception is Saglesie, whose profit decreased by a little over half a million BGN to BGN 8.2 million. Three of the funds ended the year with a profit of over BGN 20 million. Above all is POK Doverie (BGN 29.1 million), followed by Allianz Bulgaria and DSK Rodina reported a positive financial result of 24.9 and 21.1 million BGN. The three largest pension funds in our country realized a combined profit of BGN 75.1 million, which is nearly ? of that of the sector. Apart from Consent, POK UBB also reported a profit of over BGN 8 million (BGN 8.9 million), and Central Bank-Sila ended the year with a profit of BGN 5.9 million. POD Budeshte is the seventh company from the sector that ended 2023 with a profit of over BGN 1 million. POI and Toplina report a profit of BGN 14 and 469 thousand, and only DallBogg: Life and Health is in the red - BGN 420 thousand ., but we should not forget that this is the newest company in the sector. In 2023, pension companies realized revenues of BGN 305 million compared to BGN 296 million a year earlier. ?

Allianz Bulgaria - Pension Insurance Company JSC - Sofia Badeshte - Universal pension fund - Sofia CCB Sila - Universal pension fund - Sofia Doverie - Pension Insurance Company JSC - Sofia DSK Rodina - Universal pension fund - Sofia Pension assurance company DallBogg: Life and Health Pension Insurance Company Toplina JSC - Sofia Pension Insurance Company UBB SPJSC - Sofia Pensionnoosiguritelen institut - Universalen pensionen fond - Sofia Saglasie - Pension Insurance Company JSC - Sofia 


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