Short Company profile



Sofia, 1090
3 Pozitano Str.
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 831033127
Capital (BGN): 5 000

Branch: Driving school activities
Licences & Certificates:  Certificate ISO 9001 Insurance broker Large taxpayers and insurers Tourist Agent
Registered Actitity: Specialized, auto repair, transport and shipping services, domestic and foreign trade, trade representation and agency, consulting, hotel and restaurant keeping, construction and repair of buildings


The company is included in the list announced by the General Tax...
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30.04.2009: The company is registered in Territorial administration Big...
30.11.2005: The company is included in the list announced by the General Tax...
31.10.2005: The company is included in the announced by the General Tax...
15.10.2005: The company is included in the announced by the General Tax...
31.08.2004: The company is on Chief Tax Directorates list of debtors as of...

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This company profile is visited 459 times
[2024: 81, ... ]