Short Company profile

Bulgarian Airways Group SPJSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1000
2 Stefan Karadzha Str.
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 131085074
Capital (BGN): 30 881 106

Branch: Non-scheduled air transport
Licences & Certificates:  Issuer Large taxpayers and insurers
General Meetings: Last - 13.02.2019 
Registered Actitity: International and local air transport; specialized air services in the country and abroad; maintenance and repair of aviation machines and equipment; as well as any other activity not forbidden by the law.


Bulgarian Airways Group EAD-Sofia (B2GA) BSE received a report...
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16.07.2024: Bulgarian Airways Group EAD-Sofia (B3GA) In view of a...
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25.06.2024: Bulgarian Airways Group EAD-Sofia (B2GA) In view of a...
14.06.2024: Bulgarian Airways Group EAD-Sofia (B3GA) BSE received a report...
14.06.2024: Bulgarian Airways Group EAD-Sofia (B2GA) BSE received a report...
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30.05.2024: Bulgarian Airways Group EAD-Sofia (B3GA) Bulgarian Airways...
30.05.2024: Bulgarian Airways Group EAD-Sofia (B2GA) Bulgarian Airways...
02.05.2024: Bulgarian Airways Group EAD-Sofia (B2GA) Bulgarian Airways...

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[2024: 288, ... ]