Short Company profile

Trace Group Hold JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1408
12 Nikola Obrazopisov St.
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 123682269
Capital (BGN): 24 200 000

Branch: Construction of highways, roads, airfields and sport facilities
Licences & Certificates:  Certificate ISO 14001 Certificate ISO 9001 Certificate OHSAS 18001 Issuer Public company Registered building company
Membership: Bulgarian Industrial Association
General Meetings: Last - 30.06.2023 
Registered Actitity: acquisition, management, assessment and sale of stocks in local and foreign companies, bonds, patents, design, construction and reconstruction of roads, road facilities, repair works, sale-trade, trade representation and mediation, trade in industrial goods and oil products, commission, shipping, transport, license and warehouse deals, foreign trade, any other activity not forbidden by law


Trace Group Hold AD-Sofia (T57) The General Meeting of...
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10.07.2024: DZZD "TRP Burgas 2023", with leading partner "Road Construction...
10.07.2024: Trace Group Hold AD-Sofia (T57) Notification of a signed...
02.07.2024: Trace Group Hold AD-Sofia (T57) At the regular AGM of Trace...
02.07.2024: Trace Group Hold AD-Sofia (T57) The General Meeting of...
28.06.2024: Trace Group Hold AD-Sofia (T57) Notification of a concluded...
28.06.2024: An association of "Trace Group Hold" will carry out road...
25.06.2024: Trace Group Hold AD-Sofia (T57) Trace Group Hold AD-Sofia...
03.06.2024: The revenues of "Trace Group Hold" AD for the period...
29.05.2024: Trace Group Hold AD-Sofia (T57) Trace Group Hold AD-Sofia (T57)...
02.05.2024: Trace Group Hold AD-Sofia (T57) Trace Group Hold AD-Sofia...

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[2024: 1 336, ... ]