Short Company profile

Projec Management JSC - Plovdiv


Plovdiv, 4003
Str. Kapitan Rajicho No 56
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 115173280
Capital (BGN): 1 806 029

Branch: Manufacture of cocoa; chocolate and sugar confectionery
Licences & Certificates:  Certificate ISO 9001 Food Manufacturer Large taxpayers and insurers Manufacture of alcoholic drinks Member of GS1
Membership: Bulgarian Industrial Association
General Meetings: Last - 24.11.2010 
Registered Actitity:  Production of sugar, alcohol 96, carbon dioxide 15-17 t/day, sugar products: - sugar candy, Turkish delight, biscuits, waffles and chocolate;


The factory prices of the sugar will be decreased to BGN 1,31...
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30.04.2009: The company is registered in Territorial administration Big...
21.04.2009: Sugar plant Kristal JSC - Plovdiv has appointed Annual general...
20.11.2006: From 2007 the quotas for emission of hothouse gases will become...
25.05.2006: A new fight between sugar plants is expected today when the...
24.03.2006: The factory prices of the sugar will be decreased to BGN 1,31...
24.03.2006: The Bulgarian PM Sergei Stanishev brought down the price of...
20.01.2006: Two contradicting orders of Bulgarian agriculture minister Nihat...
18.01.2006: The battle for the import of raw sugar is about to go to court,...
11.11.2005: About 20,000 tons of raw sugar will be imported by the end of...
11.07.2005: Only sugar producers will have right to receive licences for...

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