Short Company profile
SFB Capital Market JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1000
76 Chataldzha St
phone: 02/9801086, 9801090
fax: 02/9814567

Company Figures

BULSTAT: 831414785
VAT No: BG831414785
Reg No: 7734/92
No of employees: 6 (2021)
Profit/Loss (thous. BGN): 3 (2022)
Total revenue (thous. BGN): 95 (2022)
Fixed Assets (thous. BGN): 158 (2019)
Capital (BGN): 50 000

Featured products

Consultations on optimization of production processes
 Show all product information

Branch: Business and management consultancy activities
Membership: Bulgarian Industrial Association
General Meetings: Last - 26.06.2024 
Registered Actitity: Research, analysis and constancy of companies aimed at optimization of the production process; development of investment projects and corporate strategies; assignment and distribution of investment and credit ratings; staff training and qualification; development of programme products and provision of remote access information services; commercial representation and agency of Bulgarian and foreign legal and physical entities; any other activity not prohibited by the current legislation.


BIC Capital Market Ltd offers on its page a new free information service - "Upcoming general meetings of Bulgarian joint-stock companies". Dynamic access to information about the upcoming general meetings in the next 7 days is provided, as well as information about important decisions included in their agenda, such as: changes in the name, statute, capital, management bodies, the state of the company, etc. The information is useful for shareholders, investors, partners, competitors, etc. More detailed information about a subscription to use the full package of services can be found here -

Bourse Information Company Capital Market SPLTD - Sofia SFB Capital Market JSC - Sofia 


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