Short Company profile

Texim bank JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1303
bul. Todor Aleksandrov 117
phone: 02/903 5501/ 5505
fax: 02/9311207

Company Figures

BULSTAT: 040534040
VAT No: BG040534040
Reg No: 24103/92
No of employees: 276 (2023)
Profit/Loss (thous. BGN): 2 358 (2023)
Total revenue (thous. BGN): 22 011 (2023)
Fixed Assets (thous. BGN): 21 078 (2023)
Capital (BGN): 33 595 036

Branch: Other monetary intermediation
Licences & Certificates:  Bank - international and domestic BSE member Investment agent Issuer Large taxpayers and insurers Public company
General Meetings: Last - 26.06.2024 
Registered Actitity: Public attract deposits or other repayable funds and provide loans or other financing for its own account and risk, making non-cash transfers and other forms of non-cash payments such as credit and inkaso; issuance and administration of funds for payment by electronic payment instruments, passenger Cheques; acceptance of the values of deposit


The increase in cash receipts also increased the profit of "Texim Bank" by 15.37% The total net operating cash receipts from the activities of "Texim Bank" AD in the three months of this year increased by 15.37 percent and amounted to BGN 5.84 million, according to the figures in the interim financial report of the credit institution for the first quarter. The company reports an increase in net income from interest - by 10.23 percent, and in the case of net income from fees and commissions, the increase is by 7.85 percent. Thus, for the first quarter, a net profit was formed for "Texim Bank" in the amount of BGN 613 thousand compared to BGN 680 thousand for the same period a year earlier. At the end of March, the bank's assets decreased by 2.37% compared to the end of 2022 to BGN 629.59 million. This is mainly the result of a decrease in cash and cash balances with central banks, as well as receivables from banks. The bank's portfolio of borrowers indicates that 70.8% is the share of loans for corporate clients and 29.2% for citizens and households. "Texim Bank" continues the policy of growth in lending by offering new products. The numbers in the bank's report show an increase in the amount of loans both to private individuals (3.5%) and to corporate clients (6.5%) compared to the end of 2022. At the same time, the conservative approach to granting loans is maintained, analyzing the sectors with difficulties in the economy, the credit institution notes. The total amount of the bank's liabilities decreased by 2.80% compared to the end of last year. In the structure of the liabilities, the largest share is the funds attracted from customers, other than credit institutions, excluding obligations under operating and financial leases 91.2%, and their amount is decreasing. The bank reports that deposits from other customers amount to BGN 520.57 million. The equity capital of "Texim Bank" increased by BGN 1.22 million compared to the end of last year. This is mainly due to the profit, which is in the amount of BGN 613 thousand. In March, "Teksim Bank" registered a new subsidiary - "Texim Imoti" EOOD. Its subject of activity is related to providing all kinds of services and carrying out all kinds of activities related to real estate.

Texim bank JSC - Sofia 


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18.07.2024: The Management Board, with the approval of the Supervisory Board...
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13.05.2024: The increase in cash receipts also increased the profit of...
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