Short Company profile

Texim bank JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1303
bul. Todor Aleksandrov 117
phone: 02/903 5501/ 5505
fax: 02/9311207

Company Figures

BULSTAT: 040534040
VAT No: BG040534040
Reg No: 24103/92
No of employees: 276 (2023)
Profit/Loss (thous. BGN): 2 358 (2023)
Total revenue (thous. BGN): 22 011 (2023)
Fixed Assets (thous. BGN): 21 078 (2023)
Capital (BGN): 33 595 036

Branch: Other monetary intermediation
Licences & Certificates:  Bank - international and domestic BSE member Investment agent Issuer Large taxpayers and insurers Public company
General Meetings: Last - 26.06.2024 
Registered Actitity: Public attract deposits or other repayable funds and provide loans or other financing for its own account and risk, making non-cash transfers and other forms of non-cash payments such as credit and inkaso; issuance and administration of funds for payment by electronic payment instruments, passenger Cheques; acceptance of the values of deposit


The BSE Indices Committee adopted the following decisions under Record of Proceedings No. 8 at its session held on 03 June 2024: I. With reference to item 12 of Appendix No. 1 (SOFIX Calculation Methodology) to the Rules for Calculating the BSE Indices, the Indices Committee adopted the following free-float factors of the issues comprising SOFIX in effect from 24 June 2024: BSE code Issuer Free-float factor AGH Agria Group Holding AD 0.2135 ATER Advance Terrafund REIT-Sofia 0.6104 BSE Bulgarian Stock Exchange AD 0.4995 DUH Doverie United Holding PLC 0.5954 EUBG Eurohold Bulgaria AD 0.4615 EAC Elana Agrocredit AD 0.6626 MSH M+S Hydraulic AD-Kazanlak 0.2295 SGH Sirma Group Holding AD 0.5988 SFA Sopharma AD 0.2785 FIB CB First Investment Bank AD 0.1107 CCB CB Central Cooperative Bank AD 0.1666 BREF Bulgarian Real Estate Fund REIT 0.7428 CHIM Chimimport AD 0.2154 HVAR Holding Varna AD 0.3191 SLYG Shelly Group AD 0.3104 The free-float data on the issues of SOFIX presented herein are the median values for the period 02 March - 01 June 2024. II. With reference to item 11 of Appendix No. 2 (BGBX 40 Calculation Methodology) to the Rules for Calculating the BSE Indices, the Indices Committee adopted the following free-float factors of the issues comprising BGBX 40 in effect from 24 June 2024: BSE code Issuer Free-float factor AGH Agria Group Holding AD 0.2135 ATER Advance Terrafund REIT-Sofia 0.6104 ALB Albena AD 0.2993 ALCM Alcomet AD-Shumen 0.0990 BNR Bianor Holding AD 0.3225 BBRD Billboard AD-Sofia 0.3544 BSP Balkan and Sea Properties REIT 0.4111 BSE Bulgarian Stock Exchange AD 0.4995 VAM Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia 0.3845 GR6 Gradus AD-Stara Zagora 0.1788 DUH Doverie United Holding PLC 0.5954 EUBG Eurohold Bulgaria AD 0.4615 EAC Elana Agrocredit AD 0.6626 EMKA EMKA AD-Sevlievo 0.2268 HLEV Zlaten Lev Holding AD 0.3539 ZHBG Zarneni Hrani Bulgaria AD-Sofia 0.2001 11C Eleven Capital AD-Sofia 0.5466 GTH Galata Investment Company AD 0.5394 KBG Korado Bulgaria AD 0.1785 MSH M+S Hydraulic AD-Kazanlak 0.2295 MONB Monbat AD 0.1732 NEOH Neochim AD 0.3139 PET Petrol AD 0.0570 SNRG Synergon Holding AD-Sofia 0.4322 SGH Sirma Group Holding AD 0.5988 SFA Sopharma AD 0.2785 SFB Sopharma Buildings REIT 0.2691 SFT Sopharma Trading AD-Sofia 0.1232 SCOM Sofia Commerce-Pawn Brokerage AD 0.3504 SPH Stara Planina Hold AD-Sofia 0.5935 FIB CB First Investment Bank AD 0.1107 TXIM CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia 0.4255 CCB CB Central Cooperative Bank AD 0.1666 TBS Telelink Business Services Group AD 0.1304 TIB Telematic Interactive Bulgaria AD-Sofia 0.0746 BREF Bulgarian Real Estate Fund REIT-Sofia 0.7428 HES Hydraulic Elements and Systems /HES/ AD-Yambol 0.2029 CHIM Chimimport AD 0.2154 HVAR Holding Varna AD 0.3191 SLYG Shelly Group AD 0.3104 The free-float data on the issues of BGBX 40 presented herein are the median values for the period 02 March - 01 June 2024.

Advance Terrafund REIT - Sofia Agria Group Holding JSC - Varna Balkan and Sea Properties REIT - Varna Bulgarian Real Estate Fund REIT - Sofia Bulgarian Stock Exchange JSC - Sofia Central Cooperative Bank JSC - Sofia Chimimport JSC - Sofia Doverie - United Holding JSC - Sofia Elana grocredit JSC - Sofia Eleven Capital JSC - Sofia Eurohold Bulgaria JSC - Sofia First Investment Bank JSC - Sofia Gradus JSC - Stara Zagora Holding Varna (PF) JSC - Varna Hydraulic Elements & Systems ic (HES) JSC - Yambol Korado Bulgaria JSC - Strazhitza M+S Hydraulic JSC - Kazanluk Monbat JSC - Sofia Neochim JSC - Dimitrovgrad Petrol JSC - Lovetch Shelly Group JSC - Sofia Sirma Group Holding JSC - Sofia Sofia Commerce Pawn Brokerage JSC - Sofia Sopharma Buildings REIT - Sofia Sopharma JSC - Sofia Sopharma Trading JSC - Sofia Stara Planina Hold JSC - Sofia Telelink Business Services Group JSC - Sofia Telematic Interactiv Bulgaria JSC - Sofia Texim bank JSC - Sofia Velgraf Asset Management PLC JSC - Sofia Zarneni Hrani Bulgaria JSC - Sofia Zlaten Lev Holding JSC - Sofia 


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18.07.2024: CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (TXIM) At a session of the Management...
18.07.2024: The Management Board, with the approval of the Supervisory Board...
16.07.2024: CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA) In view of a forthcoming interest...
01.07.2024: B Texim Bank AD-Sofia (TXIM) At the regular AGM of TB Texim...
25.06.2024: The following decisions were taken at a meeting of the Committee...
04.06.2024: The BSE Indices Committee adopted the following decisions under...
22.05.2024: B Texim Bank AD-Sofia (TXIM) B Texim Bank AD convenes a...
13.05.2024: The increase in cash receipts also increased the profit of...
29.04.2024: CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia (5CPA) BSE received a report under Art....
26.04.2024: BSE Board of Directors adopted the following decision at a...
This company profile is visited 6 129 times
[2024: 741, ... ]