Short Company profile

Bulgartransgaz SPJSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1336
Lyulin 2, 66 Pancho Vladigerov Str.
phone: 02/9396200,9396300,9396305
fax: 02/9250063

Company Figures

BULSTAT: 175203478
VAT No: BG175203478
Reg No: 16439/2006
No of employees: 965 (2023)
Profit/Loss (thous. BGN): 283 450 (2022)
Total revenue (thous. BGN): 1 149 428 (2022)
Fixed Assets (thous. BGN): 7 907 920 (2022)
Capital (BGN): 1 614 786 264

Branch: Transport via pipelines
Licences & Certificates:  Allocation of electricity Large taxpayers and insurers Transfer of natural gas
Membership: Bulgarian Industrial Association
Registered Actitity: Preservation, transit transport and transport of natural gas; maintenance, exploitation, management and development of underground gas storage; development of programs and activities for correspondence of the gas-transport activity to the EU requirements; development of price policy for joining, transport and preservation of natural gas, according to the current legislation, administration of the deals with natural gas and organization of the balance on the market of natural gas; engineering, investment, manufacture and service activity; import of goods, machines and equipment, related to the companys activity; operative management of the gas-transport system.


The profit of "Bulgartransgaz" for 2023 decreases to BGN 210 million The general trend of shrinking profits of state-owned energy companies does not escape the gas transmission operator "Bulgartransgaz". The company reports a decrease in its profit to BGN 210.5 million for 2023 compared to BGN 283 million for the same period of the previous year. The total amount of revenues is already under a billion - BGN 958 million (at BGN 1.1 billion for 2022). The amount of liabilities decreased by 13% to BGN 2.3 billion compared to BGN 2.6 billion a year earlier. The main part of the company's commercial obligations are related to the performed activities under "Turkish Stream", owed to the association "Consortium Arcade". 3, the debts to him are in the total amount of BGN 457.3 million as of 31.12.2023, and according to the terms of the contract, they will be paid on the basis of a repayment plan until the end of 2031.At the same time, 2023 saw a 7% increase to 145.5 million Mwh of total natural gas transported to neighboring countries compared to the same period of the previous year, when the quantities were 135 million Mwh. The transfer to the borders with Romania, North Macedonia and Serbia is growing, while that to Greece is decreasing. The largest amount of natural gas was transferred to Serbia - 89.5 million Mwh, against the background of almost 81 million Mwh for the same period of the year, but this is due to the transit transfer via "Turkish Stream". This growth is more than sustainable - for comparison, in 2021 the transferred quantities were only 29.4 million Mwh. The costs for the so-called external services of "Bulgartransgaz" grow to BGN 22.6 million in the year compared to BGN 15 million in 2022. Until some time ago, these were the "favorite" payments of state-owned companies, through which they financed controversial activities such as advertising, consulting services, etc., outsourced to external companies.

Bulgartransgaz SPJSC - Sofia 


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