Short Company profile

Zenith Investment Holding JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1303
Bul. Todor Aleksandrov No 73
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 121779787
Capital (BGN): 248 364

Branch: Management activities of holding companies
Licences & Certificates:  Issuer Public company
General Meetings: Last - 14.06.2024 
Registered Actitity: Securities investment, shares acquisition, enterprises management, participation in the privatization process


Zenith Investment Holding AD (ZNTH) Due to lack of quorum, the...
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02.07.2024: Zenith Investment Holding AD (ZNTH) At the regular AGM of Zenit...
28.06.2024: Zenit Investment Holding AD (0Z4A) BSE AD has received a report...
18.06.2024: Zenith Investment Holding AD (ZNTH) Due to lack of quorum, the...
28.05.2024: Zenith Investment Holding S.A. (ZNTH) Zenith Investment...
28.05.2024: Zenith Investment Holding AD (0Z4A) Interim report as of 31...
13.05.2024: Zenith Investment Holding AD (ZNTH) Zenit Investment Holding AD...
30.04.2024: Zenith Investment Holding AD (ZNTH) Zenit Investment Holding AD...
30.04.2024: Zenith Investment Holding AD (ZNTH) Zenit Investment Holding AD...
29.04.2024: Zenith Investment Holding AD (0Z4A) The calculation of interest...
26.04.2024: Zenith Investment Holding AD (ZNTH) Notification of concluded...

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This company profile is visited 3 637 times
[2024: 396, ... ]