Short Company profile

RNK Capital JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1680
42 B Rodopski izvor Str
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 121481132
Capital (BGN): 5 500 000

Branch: Security broking and fund management
Licences & Certificates:  BSE member Central depository member
Membership: Bulgarian Industrial Association
General Meetings: Last - 01.10.2015 
Registered Actitity: Deals in securities on personal account and client's account, underwriting securities issues on personal account and client's account, management of the investment companies activities


The Board of Directors of MacCup Brokers JSC Sofia calls an...
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27.09.2013: The following decision has been adopted at a session of the...
16.10.2012: BSE-Sofia has received the following information submitted by...
29.05.2009: Investment mediator Mak Cap JSC - Sofia has appointed Annual...
15.01.2009: At the General Meeting of Shareholders of Investment...
15.01.2009: BSE-Sofia has entered in its database the following changes in...
10.01.2009: MacCup Brokers IP JSC - Sofia has appointed Extraordinary...
02.11.2007: Under a Decision of Sofia City Court dated 20.10.2007, the...
13.09.2007: BSE-Sofia has received information pursuant to Art. 1 par. 5 in...
23.04.2007: A Jun 4 general meeting of shareholders will vote on a proposal...
28.07.2006: The Board of Directors of MacCup Brokers JSC Sofia calls an...

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