Short Company profile

Balkan Gas Hub SPJSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1756
St. Blvd. Kliment Ohridski to bl. 19, Kintex Business Building
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 205478458
Capital (BGN): 500 000

Branch: Manufacture of gas; distribution of gaseous fuels through mains
Registered Actitity: Establishment and operation of an electronic platform on which conditions for bilateral transactions and a stock market with physical and non-physical products are created - natural gas, energy products, energy carriers, energy, green and white certificates, carbon emissions and other energy-related products. bilateral transactions and stock exchange trading are carried out by meeting or assisting in the meeting of purchase offers and offers for sale within the platform of admitted on the basis of precisely defined financial, natural gas traders, natural gas producers and others. third parties, in accordance with the rules of the platform, the legally established rules for bilateral and stock exchange trading, and in the case of stock exchange trading, financial settlement of transactions with physical and non-physical products as well as any unlawful activity, subject to all applicable permits, licensing and registration regimes applicable to an operator of an electronic trading platform for energy, products covered by the scope of activity on a bilateral and stock exchange basis, as well as any lawful activity, subject to all applicable permits and licensing regimes.

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This company profile is visited 199 times
[2024: 199, ... ]