Short Company profile

SC Computer-UVT JSC - Kalugerovo - Sf


Kalugerovo - Sf, 2153
Pravets municipality, Vuglyava quarter
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 122048575
Capital (BGN): 50 000

Branch: Other wholesale
General Meetings: Last - 05.04.2012 
Registered Actitity: Production and sale of software and hardware systems, organization of courses, consulting, scientific researches, design, information services and advertising, repairs and maintenance of equipment, domestic and foreign trade, barter, re-export, hotel keeping, tourist services, representation and intermediation in Bulgaria and abroad of Bulgarian and foreign natural persons and legal entities, transport services in Bulgaria and abroad, deals with real estate, production of films.

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This company profile is visited 361 times
[2024: 28, ... ]