Short Company profile

Terra Tangra LTD - Sofia


Sofia, 1784
ul. Magnaurska shkola 15, et. 5
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 126641587
Capital (BGN): 2 500 000

Branch: Manufacture of wines
Licences & Certificates:  Member of GS1
Registered Actitity: Manufacture and sale of vine saplings, creation of vineyards, production, sale and processing of grapes, production and sale of wines, construction of wineries and tasting places for wines, sale-trade, trade representation and mediation, commission, shipping and transport deals in Bulgaria and abroad, warehouse, license, intellectual property deals, advertising, information, program services, real estate activity, leasing, foreign trade and any other activity not forbidden by law

05.11.2007: Bulgarian wines created a furor at an exposition in Moscow where...
21.03.2006: The International exhibition of vine-growing and wine-producing...

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[2024: 63, ... ]