Short Company profile

Water Supply and Sewerage - Varna LTD - Varna


Varna, 9010
33, Prilep Str.
phone: 052/509999,502838,510230,746261
fax: 052/740031

Company Figures

BULSTAT: 103002253
VAT No: BG103002253
Reg No: 8218/91
No of employees: 1421 (2023)
Profit/Loss (thous. BGN): 2 068 (2022)
Total revenue (thous. BGN): 93 762 (2022)
Fixed Assets (thous. BGN): 85 474 (2022)
Capital (BGN): 1 363 100

Branch: Collection, purification and distribution of water
Licences & Certificates:  Large taxpayers and insurers Registered building company
Membership: Bulgarian Industrial Association
Registered Actitity: Water supply, sewerage, engineering.


Bulgaria's minister of environment and water Djevdet Chakarov has signed a EUR 11.272 million contract for construction of a water treatment plant in the city of Montana. The project will be carried out by a German-Austrian consortium that includes Strabag's subsidiary Zublin. The company was one of the candidates for the construction of the second bridge across the Danube but it was outbid by Spain's FCC. The project in Montana is carried out under the ISPA programme. As much as 75% of the financing is provided by European financial institutions, the remainder is national co-financing. The plant is expected to be completed in May 2010.

Invest Bulgaria Agency - Sofia Ministry of Environment and Waters - Sofia Montana Municipality - Montana Water Supply and Sewerage - Shumen LTD - Shoumen Water Supply and Sewerage - Varna LTD - Varna 


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